Year of The dragon 2024.
Young prodigy achieves a prestigious internship at Louis Vuitton.
He turned his father's bakery into an asset of US$ 2 billion.

Walt Disney will start the second wave of mass layoffs.
The new 62-story tower set to transform New York City’s skyline.
The strange reasons medieval people slept in cupboards.
Hole opens again on the runway and closes Salvador airport.
He booked a one-way ticket to Thailand one day after finishing high school. Now he is one of the best chefs in Bangkok.
Marvel solves the last mystery about the old Captain America in Avengers: Ultimatum.
5 Signs of the Chinese Zodiac destined for wealth and financial luck.
33 Stocking Stuffers Your Kid Will Be Totally Obsessed With.
Why Are People Putting Toilet Paper in the Fridge?
Nail Experts And Dermatologists Are Sharing The Most Common Mistakes They See Their Clients Make.